Feeding Our Kids is serving over 1,100 students this school year. Local groups and families are helping us serve them by “adopting” local schools. Here is a list of the current adopt a school sponsors. You can help us by adopting a school for 2024-2025.
The Basics
Sponsors pledge to support at least five students at a specific school at a cost of $150/student. Feeding Our Kids will recognize and promote sponsors that have adopted schools in a variety of ways throughout the school year, especially via social media.
More details are below and you can also download the Adopt-a-School brochure.
Adopt as a Group of Individuals/Families
If you like the idea of adopting a school, but can’t afford to support 5 kids by yourself, you can form a group with other individuals and families. You can team up with some of your neighbors or other families in your church. The whole group adopts a school, and then each person/family sponsors 1 or 2 children.
Please contact us at info@feedingourkids.org if you are interested in learning more about this program.
A Bit More Info…
How Does it Work?
- Sponsors pledge to support at least five students, up to a maximum number the sponsor chooses, through the school year, based on a cost of $150/student
- Sponsors designate one or more local schools to “adopt”, or they can allow Feeding Our Kids to choose a school that may be in need of sponsors.
- A Feeding Our Kids representative will work with the sponsor on details including payment plans, sponsor recognition, and any other questions the sponsor may have.
Sponsor Recognition
Your generosity is greatly appreciated, and sponsors will be recognized in a variety of ways. Throughout the year, we will also recognize sponsors in the following ways, based on their level of sponsorship.
- Friend (5-9 Kids) – Name on webpage and food delivery bins
- Supporter (10-19 Kids) – Name & logo on webpage and bins, Sponsor Spotlight on Social Media
- Advocate (20-29 Kids) – All the above, plus additional Sponsor Spotlights and logo posted at sort activities
- Partner (30-49 Kids) – All the above, plus a school-based activity (ex. food delivery & photo opportunity) if desired.
- Champion (50+ Kids) – All the above, plus customized Sponsor Spotlight
A Note on Child Anonymity
Due to the social stigma of food insecurity, the anonymity of participating students and families is paramount. Therefore, sponsors will not receive pictures or identifying information about the children they are supporting. Instead, Feeding Our Kids will share testimonials from the schools regarding the positive impact they see from this program and your support.